The 5th of April 2000 is one day that Leeds United fans will never forget. A day of tragedy and despair for fans all over the world that supported the club, that brought the game into mind. The tragic deaths of Christopher Loftus and Kevin Speight, stabbed by Galatasary fans, simply for wanting to watch a game of football, brought a whole new spin on the game. I remember watching as an 8 year old on Channel 5 news, which the game was to be staged on later that evening, seeing rioting, fighting and wondering what was going on. My Dad walked out of the room, tears in his eyes, after hearing of 2 Leeds fans being stabbed to death ahead of the game for no reason. At that age, you're too young to fully understand what's gone on, but I had the general gist of it. We watched the news reports in silence and the coverage of what happened still brings grown men to tears today. It only seems like yesterday that this atrocious disaster happened, but it will never be forgotten. Nobody should die going to watch the team they love, no matter what. The muderer that comitted this crime is allowed to walk free and accept no criminal responsibility, disgustingly, even after blood from Kevin and Chris was found on a knive during a raid of his house. It's moments like the death of Kevin and Chris that make you wonder about the important things in life, football comes last every time in instances like this. I urge every Leeds fan that reads this to get down to Elland Road on Monday and pay your respects. Be it flowers or just being there, please show your respects for the tragic deaths of two of your fellow supporters. At the Yeovil game, Leeds fans will be standing with their backs to the pitch, as they did on that horrible night 10 years ago. Maybe you could do this in your front room, your pub, wherever you choose to watch this game. The quest for justice is still ongoing, try to do your part if possible: http://www.leedsfansremembrance.com/leeds-fans-remembrance-letter-to-local-mp/ . I leave you with a poem dedicated to Chris and Kevin, never forget. MOT
I dreamed I saw Chris and Kevin
Down at Elland road today
Said I but lads your some years gone
We never left said they
We never left said they
Still stunned and dreamy I asked of them
Why do you you linger still?
Your love and kindness is our bread
We stayed to eat our fill
We stayed to eat our fill
Is this just one last show from you
Then forever you're away
It's true you may not see us here
But here we'll always stay
But here we'll always stay
So tell us what's your darkness then
Pray tell us where's your light
It's darkest when your heads go down
When you sing our world is bright
When you sing our world is bright
But are we not just mortals lads
Who's time will pass us by?
Our kin and Leeds are part of us
A part that will not die
A part that will not die
I dreamed I saw Chris and Kevin
Down at Elland Road today
Said I but lads you're some years gone
We never left said they
We never left said they
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10 years on; Never Forgotten
you will never be forgoten